Kathy Westwater
The New York Times
"An unconventional choreographer experiencing a surge of recognition"
"Westwater reminds us we are irrevocably connected to that original ooze and the blunt impulses contained in it."
NY Times Review here
NY Times Pick here
photo description:
Foregrounded and in profile,
the long hair of a dancer
whose eyes are closed is
suspended above her head.
Other dancers behind her are doing
individuated movement,
seemingly striking or
grasping the air.
photo Ian Douglas
Premiered November 2022
Fresh Kills Landfill
under the auspices of
New York City Departments of Parks & Recreation and Sanitation
webpage in development
Choreographed by Kathy Westwater with the Performers
Performed by Marisa Clementi, Sean Meehan, Jordan Topiel Paul, Alex Romania, Rakia Seaborn, Stacy Lynn Smith, Nattie Trogden, Kathy Westwater & Lu Yim
Music by Sean Meehan
Dramaturgy by Clarinda Mac Low
Photography by Ian Douglas